Our proud fishing history
National Fishing Corporation of Namibia (FISHCOR) was established on the 27th of December 1991 in terms of the National Fishing Corporation of Namibia Act, 1991 (act 28 of 1991) of the National Assembly which paved the way for the establishment of strategic partnerships.
- Seaflower Lobster Corporation Limited (SLC) became a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Fishing Corporation of Namibia Limited on the 7th of April 1993. The company owns and operates a processing facility as well as Six (6) lobster vessels in Luderitz. Lobster Products are packed and marketed through the NAMROCK brand which is 66% owned by SLC.
- In 1994, FISHCOR entered into a Joint Venture Agreement with Nordic Partners, which resulted in the establishment of Seaflower Whitefish Corporation Limited (SWC) that owns and operates a wet fish processing facility in Luderitz. In addition to wet fish, SWC is also allocated a hake freezer quota.
- SEACOPE was established in 2004 to jointly manage and utilize the Hake freezer which operates the marine trawler Pemba Bay.
To exploit the allocated quotas in a sustainable manner while ensuring maximum gain for our shareholders, employees and the Namibian economy.
To be a leader in catching, processing and marketing of Namibian fish products in the local and international markets.
- Accountability
- Innovation
- Customer Care
- Integrity
- Excellence
- Team Work
Company Overview
- Seaflower Lobster Corporation Limited (SLC)
- Seaflower Whitefish Corporation Limited (SWC)
- Seacope Freezer Fishing (Pty) Ltd
On 7 April 1993, Seaflower Lobster Corporation Limited (SLC) became a wholly owned subsidiary of FISHCOR. The company owns and operates six lobster vessels as well as a processing facility in Luderitz. SLC is a 66% shareholder of the NAMROCK brand, through which lobster products are marketed. For the past 5 years, SLC has been the only company that processes lobster in Namibia, as the size of the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for this fishery is too small to sustainably accommodate more factories.
SLC catches and process the West Coast Rock Lobster (Jasus Lalandii) also known as spiny lobsters, they can be easily distinguished from other lobsters by their very long, thick, spiny antennae and by the lack of claws (chelae) on the first 4pairs of walking legs.
Seaflower Whitefish Corporation Limited (SWC) was established in 1994 as the main vehicle for FISHCOR to participate in the hake fishery, thereby creating employment in Luderitz and promoting investment in the fishing industry.
SWC is the main operating entity for the Group, contributing approximately 90% of the total revenue, investment and employment. FISHCOR owns 78% of the company, and the Governor`s Trust the remaining 22%.
SWC owns and operates a wet fish processing facility in Luderitz and three wet hake trawlers which supply the factory with fish. SWC catches and process the two species of hake found in the Namibian waters; namely Merluccius Capensis and Merluccius Paradoxus.
Seacope Freezer Fishing (Pty) Ltd (Seacope) was established in 2004 and is a subsidiary of Seaflower Whitefish Corporation Limited, which holds 51% equity interest. The Spanish fishing company Copemar, which has been active in the Namibia fishing industry since 1978, owns the remaining 49%. Seacope utilises the hake freezer quota allocated to Seaflower.
The freezer vessel MFV Pemba Bay catches and processes the frozen hake into various products such as Hake Fillets, Hake Headed and Gutted and Hake Whole. By-catches are Kingklips, Monk, Pota, Jacopever and Skate. The company`s products are marketed through the Seacope brand and exported mainly to Spain.
Our operations have created jobs for over 600 Namibians through our value addition initiatives.